(Body surface, map or mapping) and (BSM-STUDY ARRHYTHMIA-MAPPING Catheter Ablation)

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[Localization of the origin of idiopathic right ventricular tachycardia by body surface mapping]
Kamakura S,
Department of Internal Medicine, National Cardiovascular Center.

Circulation 1995 Apr 1;91(7):2002-9.
Body surface potential distributions during idiopathic ventricular tachycardia.
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Research Center, Hopital du Sacre-Coeur de Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

J Electrocardiol 1998;31 Suppl:135-44.
A comparison of simulated QRS isointegral maps resulting from pacing at adjacent sites: implications for the spatial resolution of pace mapping using body surface potentials.
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Institute of Mathematics, Physics, and Mechanics, University of Ljublijana, Slovenia.

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