(Body surface, map or mapping) and (BSM-STUDY Diagnosis, Differential Bundle-Branch Block/diagnosis)

Am Heart J 1986 May;111(5):891-902.
Wolff-Parkinson-White VCG patterns that mimic other cardiac pathologies: a correlative study with the preexcitation pathway localization.
Giorgi C, Ackaoui A, Nadeau R, Savard P, Primeau R, Page P,

Nippon Rinsho 1995 Jan;53(1):209-13.
[The evaluation of systolic right ventricular pressure and right ventricular hypertrophy using body surface mapping (isointegral map, isochrone map)]
Haraoka S, Yamanari H, Matsubara K, Saito D,
Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Okayama University.

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