(Body surface, map or mapping) and (BSM-STUDY Coronary Circulation/physiology)

Circulation 1991 Apr;83(4 Suppl):II115-27.
Electrocardiographic markers of ischemia during mental stress testing in postinfarction patients. Role of body surface mapping.
Bosimini E, Galli M, Guagliumi G, Giubbini R, Tavazzi L,
Centro Medico di Riabilitazione, Veruno, Italy.

Eur Heart J 1992 Sep;13(9):1173-9.
A possible mechanism for pacemaker-induced T-wave changes.
Fu L, Imai K, Okabe A, Mashima S, Takahashi N, Kato K,
Cardiovascular Institute, Tokyo, Japan.

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