(Body surface, map or mapping) and (BSM-STUDY DEPARTURE-MAP)

Circulation 1976 Dec;54(6):906-13.
Anterior infarctional changes occurring during mid and late ventricular activation detectable by surface mapping techniques.
Flowers NC, Horan LG, Johnson JC,

Jpn Heart J 1984 May;25(3):311-24.
Determination of the left ventricular asynergic site by QRST isointegral mapping in patients with myocardial infarction.
Kubota I, Ikeda K, Yamaki M, Watanabe Y, Tsuiki K, Yasui S,

Circulation 1991 Apr;83(4 Suppl):II115-27.
Electrocardiographic markers of ischemia during mental stress testing in postinfarction patients. Role of body surface mapping.
Bosimini E, Galli M, Guagliumi G, Giubbini R, Tavazzi L,
Centro Medico di Riabilitazione, Veruno, Italy.

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