(Body surface, map or mapping) and (BSM-STUDY Diagnosis, Computer-Assisted)

Am Heart J 1975 Dec;90(6):721-34.
Body surface isopotential mapping in Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome: noninvasive method to determine the localization of the accessory atrioventricular pathway.
Yamada K, Toyama J, Wada M, Sugiyama S, Sugenoya J,

Am J Cardiol 1976 NOV 4;38(5):576-81.
New evidence for inferoposterior myocardial infarction on surface potential maps.
Flowers NC, Horan LG, Sohi GS, Hand RC, Johnson JC,

Am J Cardiol 1987 Mar 1;59(6):528-30.
Localization of significant coronary arterial narrowings using body surface potential mapping during exercise stress testing.
Farr BR, Vondenbusch B, Silny J, Rau G, Effert S,

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