(Body surface, map or mapping) and (BSM-STUDY MI-DIAGNOSTIC Propranolol)

Adv Cardiol 1977;19:75-6.
Automated mapping of body surface and pericardial potentials in experimental myocardial infarction. Reduction of infarct size by means of a new beta-adrenolytic compound.
Taccardi B, Macchi E, de Ambroggi L,

Adv Cardiol 1981;28:70-1.
Precardiac mapping of R waves and ST intervals. Results in patients in acute period of extensive anterior myocardial infarction and effect of some drugs on the periinfarction zone.
Popov VG, Jdanova NS, Jelnov VV, Alushkov MV, Barishnikova GA,

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