(Body surface, map or mapping) and (BSM-STUDY PRINCIPAL-COMPONENT-ANALYSIS)

Methods Inf Med 1992 Nov;31(4):247-55.
On the detection of the number of signals in multi-lead ECGs.
Uijen GJ, van Oosterom A,
Department of Cardiology, University Hospital Nijmegen, The Netherlands.

Nippon Rinsho 1995 Jan;53(1):178-84.
[Detection of wall motion abnormality in old myocardial infarction with principal component analysis to body surface potential distribution]
Endo T, Yamaki M,
Tendo City Hospital.

Nippon Rinsho 1995 Jan;53(1):87-91.
[Principal component analysis of body surface potential distribution and that clinical application]
Endo T, Yamaki M,
Tendo City Hospital.

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