(Body surface, map or mapping) and (BSM-STUDY REPOLARIZATION WPW)

Circulation 1988 Mar;77(3):499-503.
PQRST isoarea maps from patients with the Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome: an index for global alterations of ventricular repolarization.
Nadeau R, Ackaoui A, Giorgi C, Savard P, Shenasa M, Page P,
Research Center, Hopital du Sacre-Coeur de Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

Nippon Rinsho 1995 Jan;53(1):106-12.
[Evaluation of repolarization abnormalities in patients with WPW syndrome by QRST isointegral maps]
Hirai M,
First Department of Internal Medicine, University of Nagoya School of Medicine.

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